Solar power- Is it worth it?Spain News | Solar power- Is it worth it?

Fri 22 October 2021

Spain News | Solar power- Is it worth it?

Solar power- Is it worth it?

At Jacaranda Spain we are asked regularly by our buyers and sellers, whether or not it is worth the considerable expense of installing solar power to our homes.

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Six years ago, the answer would have been no. The cost of installing the panels was high and the arrival of the "Impuesto al sol" ( the Sun Tax) in 2015 was enough to put everyone off! This tax was introduced to make everyone continue to pay for cost to infrastructure, even those not using energy from the national grid. It was highly controversial and much maligned and it was promptly abolished in 2018, thankfully.

The Spanish government has pledged to be climate neutral in gas emissions by the year 2030. They will do this by addressing:

Mobility - improving public transport, bike lanes and pavements

Agri food - this industry accounts for 25% of the country´s greenhouse gases.

Housing- making homes more energy efficient by insulating and encouraging solar energy installation.

In the past few weeks the City Council of Valencia has modified the Solar Uptake Ordinance. This makes it simpler to install photovoltaic solar panels.

So, what are the advantages of solar power?

1. You can reduce your bills by 40-70%. Depending on house size, number of panels and consumption.

2. Reduce your carbon footprint. Who does not want to see a reduction in greenhouse gases and the burning of fossil fuels?

3. Increase the sale-ability and value of your property. Here at Jacaranda Spain we are increasingly asked whether a property has insulation and solar energy. It is evidently becoming more important to a younger generation of house buyers to live in ecological homes.

4. Power cuts are an unfortunately frequent occurence here in Sapin. Solar panels are not affected by disturbances on the grid, especially if you have a system that is battery supported.

What will it cost?

An average, ball park figure, for an average size house is between 7,000- 10,000 euros.

Like any home improvement project, it is important to do your research and shop around. There are many companies now installing systems and the big companies are getting in on the act, ie IKEA and Mediamarkt. It is always best to ask around for recommendations.

Our advice to bear in mind when you are looking for an installer:

1. Will they provide a free estimate?

2. How long will the installation take?

3. Will the company deal with the paperwork? Including applying for licence and any regional grants you may be entitled to.

4. How long is the guarantee? 20 years is the minimum you should agree to and, preferably, include any maintenance and repairs.

5. They must provide advice and instruction! It is vital that you understand how to get the maximum benefit from your system. Make sure that your installer is happy to provide this and any follow up help you may need. After sales service is crucial and we know homeowners who have been disappointed.

6. A lot of companies are offering finance options nowadays. If you are considering this, your bank may offer you more competetive rates so check out your options.


So, is it worth installing solar power in your home?

Some of us, here on the Jacaranda Spain team, have recently installed it in our homes. We have seen a reduction in energy bills of up to 67% in June to September. Obviously it will be less in the winter months. It really is a no brainer. It may take a five or six years to recoup the cost of installation but, as long as you can afford the initial outlay, there is something very gratifying about watching your energy bills come down and, at the same time, doing something for the environment.

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The Marina Alta boasts 325 days of sunshine in the year so, it makes sense! As soon as those solar panels are installed, it makes you THINK about ways you can reduce your energy  consumption and your carbon footprint.

We all have to hope and have faith that it is this, environmental awareness, that will turn the tide and help to save our planet. 


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