Tue 29 December 2020
Spain News | Goodbye 2020-are there any positive aspects?
As we welcome the New Year of 2021 we pause to reflect on 2020. For most of us a resounding "good riddance" would seem appropriate. 2020 will forever be remembered as the year that brought us the Covid-19 world pandemic. A global disaster of massive proportions. The toll on populations all over the world is truly horrific and by now most of us know someone who has tested positive. If we are lucky, they have survived with minor symptoms but there are countless others who were not so lucky.
So, do we have any thing good to take from this year? Here at Jacaranda Spain we believe in the power of positivity. The cost of life and suffering may be huge but it has been, for every one of us, a huge learning curve. The real estate industry here on the Costa Blanca has, like most other industries, suffered a serious setback. However, we are convinced that the tide is about to turn. With the worldwide distribution of the vaccine we can allow ourselves to have hope.
5 positive aspects of 2020 and how we can learn from it:
1. Environment- With the mass cancellation of domestic and international travel, there is much to be learned from the impact travel has had on the worlds environment. With carbon emissions down all over the world, mother nature has had a chance to rest and recuperate. Most of us would not choose to go back to the pollution levels of previous years.
2. A time of peace and community- The United Nations called for an end to all armed conflict as Covid-19 became the worlds common enemy. Forced self isolation had an amazing effect on people. All over the world communities came together in incredible ways. By simultaneously applauding emergency service staff, socially distanced concerts and parties and volunteer workers helping the more vulnerable members of the community. People came together for no other reason than to help each other and show solidarity.
3. A dramatic shift in the work environment- Millions of people worldwide started working from home. With many international companies now reducing office space and making working from home the "new normal", there is no reason why you can´t live in a different town or even a different country and carry on working for the same employer. At Jacaranda Spain, we are dealing with several clients, much younger than retirement age, who are now looking for a dream home in Spain. This would have seemed impossible a year ago.
4. Education- Home schooling is now a real alternative for everyone, not just people in remote areas. There is so much more available for children and young adults online. With remote learning and virtual reality being used in universities, the quality of education is no longer going to be determined by your postcode. In cities all over the world kids were sent home with suspect symptoms. To combat this they were encouraged to join classes by skype and zoom, something never considered before, which now makes it possible for students to move home but stay at the same school.
5. Zest for life- At Jacaranda Spain we receive calls every day from clients who have procrastinated for years about moving to Spain. They are now keen to join us as soon as they physically can, to look for a better way of life.
The Covid 19 pandemic has taken a toll on all of us in countless ways, but what can we do to make our lives better, simpler, cleaner, healthier and cheaper...? The list of comparatives goes on, but, put simply.... Why are you waiting?
Contact our team for honest advice and guidance