Mon 8 June 2020
Local News | Still the best place in the world to live North Costa Blanca
Still the best place in the world to live North Costa Blanca.
June 8, 2020
The Coronavirus outbreak has turned the world upside down and, it has to be said, that things will never be the same again.
The turn around will come, whether it is weeks or months away. So, what then? How do we go on with our lives? Many of us will have to make choices and compromises. Can you afford to realise your dream home in Spain? More importantly, can you afford not to?
Five reasons why the North Costa Blanca is the best place to live during a pandemic induced quarantine:
1. The Spanish Government handled the pandemic swiftly and decisively. Whether you agree with the measures or not, the statistics so far, show that they have undoubtedly, been more successful than the countries that took a more relaxed approach to isolating and social distancing.
2. It is a world away from the contagion hot spots. In the whole of the Marina Alta area there have been a recorded 19 deaths. It is not rocket science. Live in a less densely populated area and you can more easily avoid contact with people.
3. The sunshine and our own micro climate give us the tools to fight the battle with covid-19. Studies have shown that Vitamin D, present in sunlight, is key in keeping our immune systems in good order. It also speeds up the recovery process. The Marina Alta has it´s own micro climate. This makes it one of the healthiest places in the world to live. If you are already happy and healthy you are in a better place to beat the odds if you do fall ill. Living amid vineyards, almond, olive and orange groves with a mountain backdrop and unpolluted air… its a no brainer!
4. The “De-escalation” process happens more swiftly. Although we empathise with people living in cities and large towns, we are happy, at this time, to be in phase 2, with more freedom to go shopping and socialising.
5. The older generation are loved and respected. Everyone wears a mask and respects the rules. This is because we have a large elderly community. The Spanish attitude to the older generation is “we must look after them”. The Spanish Police have had a charming way of patrolling the streets and, with their megaphones and loud speakers, thanking the children for staying at home and helping to look after the “abuelos” (Grandparents). Even the youngest kids understand that they can stay away from the older people and protect them.
If you were to walk around the towns and villages there is a phrase you would here at least once along the way … “There are worse places to be in lockdown”! I genuinely do not know anyone who has not counted their lucky stars on a daily basis for this beautiful place we call home.